", "", $val); $val = str_replace("
", "", $val); return $val; } //==================================================================================================== $pr = $_REQUEST['pr']; if(!$pr) $pr = 2; $wn = $_REQUEST['page']; if(!$wn) $wn = 1; $w = (($wn*$pr)-$pr); $st = $w; if((!$st || ($st < 0))) $st = 0; $slr = round($st/$pr, 0)+2; $next = $st+$pr; if($st <= $pr) { $back = 0; }else{ $back = $st-$pr; } $pct = ($st/20)+1; //==================================================================================================== function get_uname($userid){ $quaryu = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_id` = '$userid'"; $tempu = mysql_query($quaryu); $rowu = mysql_fetch_array($tempu); return $rowu; } ?> Wish Bowl - May all our Wishes come True!
Wish Bowl is an unique Online Tool / Application where you can submit your wishes, bless your wishes along with wishes of other people and work towards achieving them. You can keep track of your wishes, set target date, create To Do Tasks, set reminders and use other informational material that would motivate you to work towards making your wishes come true. Wish Bowl also offers articles, quotes, blog, videos, community and guides to provide you with the tools you need to find meaning, purpose, and joy in your daily life. Get all the tools, resources and support you need to reach your Goals!
  • Keep track of your Wishes, Goals or Dreams.
  • Set Target date to accomplish your Wish or To Do Task.
  • Create a set of To Do List, notes, calendar etc.
  • Set reminders for your Wish & To Do Task..
  • Maintain a Online Journal - Diary
  • Bless and Energize the Wish Bowl frequently
  • Access to Motivation material like quotes, articles, videos, etc.
Getting Started
1Sign up and create your own Wish List today!
2Submit your Wish, Dream or Goal and Bless the Wish Bowl!
3Create a set of To Do Tasks, set reminders, etc and fulfill...
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its FREE


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Recent Blog Post
", $articale_body); $articale_body = substr($articale_body, 0, 200); $articale_tag = $row_own['articale_tag']; $articale_like = $row_own['articale_like']; $article_viewed = $row_own['article_viewed']; $articale_comments = $row_own['articale_comments']; $articale_posted = $row_own['articale_posted']; $articale_posted = strtotime($articale_posted); $articale_posted = date("d M Y", $articale_posted); $articales_poster_id = $row_own['articales_poster_id']; $user_d = get_uname($articales_poster_id); $poster_uname = $user_d['uname']; $poster_pic = $user_d['pic']; $poster_name = $user_d['user_name']; $articale_url = "http://www.wishbowl.org/$poster_uname/$articale_url/"; ?>

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